I was giving a tour of the church building the other day to a minister from out of town. I was explaining what the various rooms were used for and how they were each created by the devoted craftsmanship of our church members.
Though I'm sure it was impressive, the response I heard was, "Your walls look awful bare."
Well, yeah, I guess they are. I felt more than a little defensive and shot back, "Well, we exhausted our resources finishing this project without any debt."
But the truth is we do need to decorate a little. If anyone out there would like to adopt a room, or a hall, or whatever let me know. Here's the conditions:
- We need to run anything major past the Deacons.
- Please consult the ministers if you question whether something is ok.
- Remember the goal is to look inviting and warm, not rich and stuffy. Our building is a tool that our church uses, not a monument to God or ourselves or anything else.
I've heard some good suggestions: One church had themes for its various restrooms: sunflowers, fishing tackle, etc. We would like to see a number of bulletin boards, each dedicated to a particular missionary or ministry of our church. We also have some teaching aids (maps, posters, etc) that could go up, including a large map of Israel that's probably 8' by 3' and would need to be laminated.
A lot of these are little projects that one or two people could work on on the side. Anyone interested?