Brennan and Tanner are pretty funny when they don't mean to be.
The boys were fighting over a toy (yes, it was the top of the hour) and I got on to them. I sat them both down and painstakingly explained that they needed to share. If one brother wouldn't share, then just go play with something else. If one brother asks for something, then just give it to him. Just… Stop… FIGHTING!!!
Wanting them to fully appreciate the depth of my wisdom, I tacked on a little scripture for emphasis, "So Tanner, if your brother asks for the toy, just GIVE it to him. And if your brother asks for your cloak give him your coat as well."
As Tanner stared off into space confused, Brennan wrinkled up his nose, looked at Tanner and then me and said, "Daddy, I don't like Tanner's coat. I don't want it. He can have it."
Oh, nevermind…
Another time, Shannon was out with the boys and drove past a van parked near our house that is decorated in Christmas lights, a big red nose, and giant illuminated antlers (it's advertising a company that installs Christmas lights on your house). Shannon pointed out the "Rudolf Van" to the boys, who didn't seem to care much at all.
Meanwhile, they're driving down the road and Shannon sees this brand new minivan coming toward her. We'd been looking at vans in recent weeks, even test driving some, because our current van seemed doomed to mechanical failure. Hoping to get out from under a lemon, we did lots of research only to discover that the only "sure thing" in minivans is a Toyota or a Honda, both of which are very expensive. So we're stuck with our Chevy.
And here was one of those nice vans driving right past Shannon and the boys.
Tanner suddenly spoke up and, seeming to read Shannon's mind, pouted, "I wiss ou' van looked like dat." And he slumped, depressed, into his booster seat.
Shannon's first thought was: What have I done? Have I taught my children to be discontent and materialistic? Have I taught them to be shallow and superficial about how nice a vehicle is?
Then she hesitated for a moment and asked, "Tanner, you want our van to look like what?
"Like Woodoff," he moped.
If only he could ride around town in a van decorated like a giant reindeer. Poor guy.