Strings attached?by Jared Altic
There is a Latin phrase,
quid pro quo, which means roughly, “this for that” or perhaps, “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.” This is related to another Latin phrase,
do ut des, which means, “I’ll give so that you’ll give.”
Roman people would say this to their false gods. “I’ll offer you a sacrifice, so you give me wealth.”
Do ut des. “I’ll be loyal and say prayers to you; you give me safety in battle.”
Do ut des.
But God doesn’t work that way. He gives us his love, contentment, and salvation without us paying him anything! He doesn’t choose us because we are worthy. In fact, we do not deserve his mercy at all.
Titus 3:4-6 and
Ephesians 2:8-10.
- Why can’t people trade their goodness for God’s love?
- What does God prove by forgiving us anyway?
God’s love for you doesn’t care if you’re worthy. His joy for you isn’t diminished by your circumstances. His peace for you can’t be prevented by your hostility or your anxiety. God is unconditional.
- Why do people feel obligated to make a fair trade with God?
- How do you feel when God offers his love to you freely?
- What does this unconditional love, joy, and peace say about God’s character?
Take some time to pray now. Reflect on how God doesn’t require you to deserve his gifts.
- Pray for his love in your life.
- Pray for his joy that you may be content in every circumstance.
- Pray for peace with God.