My darling wife turns thirty-three Thursday (March 4).
My beautiful wife, the mother of my five children, is the strongest person I know. I couldn't be married to a shrinking violet or a high-maintenance, prissy princess. Shannon is so capable; she is so valuable to our family in a Proverbs 31 kind of way.
Shannon homeschools five children.
In the past year or so she's changed a tire, researched and purchased a van, taken apart and repaired half of the major appliances in our house, developed and maintained a blog, learned to make from scratch (and sell on her own online store) purses, learned to knit, and taken up crosswords and scrabble, among other endeavors.
My largest gift to her this last year was a new
iMac computer and after that, her
iPhone. On the back of her van, she applied seven
Apple stickers in a row, two big ones and five little ones; I'm telling you, she's my soul mate!
Best of all, she is
authentic. She's not a pious, over-stuffed church lady. She's honest and transparent; you see her good days and her bad days. So many preacher's wives are such prudes and Pharisees but Shannon is as down to earth as a Christian can get. I'd bet other ministers only wish their wives were as energetic and helpful, as dependable and sexy as my wife is. Other women wish they could accomplish what Shannon accomplishes on a daily basis.
I am married to the real
Joan Holloway.
To say that she is utterly
irreplaceable to me is an understatement. No one can do what she does. She has become my dream come true… and more so every year.
No one will ever have my love as she does.