"In 1999, Michael Mann and his colleagues published a reconstruction of past temperature in which the Medieval Warm Period simply vanished. This unique estimate became known as the "hockey stick," because of the shape of the temperature graph."
Well, I thought I'd show you a picture of that same doctored graph.

Kind of inconvenient for the audience to find out they're being fed misleading information, isn't it?
Just this week, the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reduced its estimate of human affect on global warming by 25 percent and lowered its prediction of how much sea levels will rise by half. What?! What kind of science changes it's numbers by HALF? Certainly not one that public policy should be based on.
The UN also reported that cow flatulence caused more global warming than all forms of transportation put together. This might lead you to believe that people will now put things in perspective but I'll bet that it will hurt American beef and dairy farmers first. Hopefully, if the UN tries to limit the number of cattle you can own, they'll send the same people that check North Korea and Iran for nuclear weapons – you should be able to hide Bessie in the front yard without any worries!
I was watching a documentary last night on the recurrence of ice ages. Instead of worrying about the temperature going up two or three degrees, history suggests that we ought to worry about it going down ten or twenty. Volcanic eruptions, ocean current changes, and orbital fluctuations might cause big freezes that could last for several years and would seriously hurt civilization.
So all we have to do is keep volcanoes from erupting and make sure the orbit of planet Earth doesn't fluctuate. No problem…
No wonder that it is so warm in India with all those "sacred cows" (literally).
Funny, funny, funny!
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