Friday, April 27, 2007

Out of a Lineup (Answers)

The correct answers are:
1. Eli
2. Graham
3. Tanner
4. Brennan
5. Eli
6. Graham
7. Tanner
8. Tanner
9. Brennan
10. Tanner

  • We thought Brennan had the most distinctive look at this age (he still looks more like his mom than the other boys).
  • Elijah stands out mostly because of his darker hair and eyes, while the other three all have blue eyes and strawberry-blond hair. This same coloring has prompted strangers to ask if Brennan and Tanner were twins.
  • Tanner, Eli, and Graham all have a similar look to them. We thought that some pictures were almost indistinguishable except for the clothes, background, and other clues.

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