Monday, March 07, 2011

Random Thoughts 3/7/11

  • We're off to a birthday party tonight for my niece.  This is the month of birthdays!
  • My darling wife is doing a great job working part-time at the YMCA as a trainer.  She seems to have a gift for it and the folks, old and young, at the Y seem to really like her enthusiasm and expertise.  I appreciate that she works her schedule around mine.  Shannon manages to schedule her clients at all hours of the morning and evening and on my days off.  And she can take the kids with her a lot of times when I schedules do conflict.  Thanks, Shannon!
  • The iPad 2 comes out this Friday!  I'm not in line to get one myself but I know a few people who are and I'm really eager to see one firsthand.
  • I've begun to move my sermon notes, blog notes, and other miscellaneous info over to Evernote, my new virtual brain.  I've only just started transferring and organizing my info but I'll give updates as I go.  My goal is to have a reservoir of tagged, searchable notes to draw from for writing and speaking
  • Charlie Sheen was officially fired by Warner Brothers today.  Of course, he's still "winning."  Unfortunately there seems to be a growing number of people (I'm looking at you, CNN's Piers Morgan) that think Sheen's antics are harmless and amusing.  There are even some who admire his audacity (or love the idea of an unaccountable self-serving lifestyle).  What I'm seeing is a deluded person who will eventually pay the piper and in the meantime has burnt bridges and destroyed relationships for no better reason than selfishness and vanity.  It's sad and it won't end well.
  • Congrats, Jayhawks on yet another Big 12-ish Championship!  Rock Chalk!  Good luck in the tournament

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