Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Random Thoughts 3/9/11

  • Kansas plays Oklahoma State tomorrow at 11:30 in the Big 12-ish tournament. It's on ESPN2 but I'm going to have to listen to that one on the radio.
  • Speaking of the Big 12-ish, I'd sure like to see the conference expand back to 12. Ideally, it would involve a plan with the universities of Houston and Arkansas, which have both expressed interest in such a plan. That said, I would have been up for any number of other schools to replace the bums who sold out and spat in the face of tradition (I'm looking at you, Nebraska). TCU, for example, would have fit in but they're inexplicably going to the Big East where they'll be over 1,000 miles from their nearest rival. A thousand miles, by the way, is also the distance between Boulder, Colorado, and the Pacific Ocean.
  • We have missionaries from Indonesia tonight at church. Yay!
  • Look, a Dreamworks animation schedule without a Shrek movie! But it does include sequels of Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, and How to Train Your Dragon.
  • I saw Megamind (2010) the other day. It's a cute movie; we all really liked it. I just kept thinking "this is almost as good as Pixar's The Incredibles."
  • I downloaded and installed iOS 4.3 today for my iPhone. A lot of the new features aren't particularly useful to me but it's always nice to have the latest security patches and such.
  • I'm eager to play some basketball tonight. I missed playing last week, as well as volleyball practice and the volleyball game yesterday. It's still colder than I'd like for cycling, so I've got a bit of cabin fever. We play at Wallula Christian Church every Wednesday night, about 8:15 or 8:30. Shannon told me that there's also a group that plays at 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning at the Y. Yeah, right.
  • My mother-in-law is looking at getting an iPad 2 this weekend. I'm really excited about helping her get off the ground, I just hope we can find one as they'll be in high demand.

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