Friday, April 08, 2005

500 Hits

My blog passed 500 hits today! That means it's been looked at 500 times. Cool!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that's like saying, "Look my book was checked out of the library… three whole times! And it was me only twice!" But I'm getting there.

My evaluation so far is as follows:
  1. I need more posts. Part of the reason for having a blog is to get myself to write more often. And the #1 way to make your blog more popular is to have a steady stream of fresh content.
  2. It's hard to keep on track and at the same time not get too narrowly focused. I feel like I could easily do a mil-blog on Iraq news. But that's not what I'm here for and others have already beat me to it. I could also just do church news, but again that is only one facet of a larger picture that I'm shooting for. I want to show why I'm so content with God and the life he's given me. I was just telling my wife that I could die young and have been robbed of nothing. God is good all the time. All the time God is good.
  3. This has already been a good place for my family to read my thoughts. What an excellent communication tool for someone who tends to keep to himself.

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