Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Our President

May God bless our elected leader, President Barack Obama.

May the Lord grant him wisdom and bless our country.

Heaven help us.


Anonymous said...

Amen brother on the "Heaven help us" part. I actually cried last night when I found out he won. Something deep in my gut tells me this isn't going to be an easy next 4 years... The phrase "something evil this way comes" keeps popping into my head.

Anonymous said...

That's scary. I was thinking the same thing! I couldn't sleep last night because I was so disturbed.
Here's a spooky story for you, too. We've had an American flag anchored on the wall by our garage. It's been firmly intact for 2 years. I came home to find the mount turned completely upside down with the flag lying in a heap on the ground. Not sure if it was due to vandals or wind. But, a little too coincidental on election day.

Erin T.

Anonymous said...

Having a Spouse in the military; I for one am hopeful that maybe this ungodly war will finally come to an end..at least on the part of America- Thank you God!

Thumper said...

This ungodly war? The one is Iraq is essentially won with current casualties at an all-time low. Victory is at hand. The only way to mess it up now is to leave early.

The ungodly war in Afghanistan will increase under Obama (as it would have under McCain) and become more and more deadly for Americans.

One more point: This ungodly war doesn't go away when our troops all come home. The ungodly people who want to kill you will come here.


And it won't be our volunteer troops on the front line. It'll be you and me and our children and our grandparents.

The war on terror doesn't seem so ungodly now, does it?