Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Super Bowled Over

  • And that was Super Bowl XLIV. Good game, all the way to the end. Congrats, Saints.
  • I was rooting for the Colts, but the Saints were easy to appreciate. They had the feel-good story of the game. Both teams had several great, likable players with very few if any "thugs" to grate on your nerves.
  • You can re-watch the commercials on YouTube or Hulu.
  • As some are predicting, I hope the Colts draft Tim Tebow.
  • Speaking of Tebow, the fuss over his Focus on the Family commercial was completely uncalled for. But I did hear one left-wing pundit say that radical women-hating outfits like Focus on the Family shouldn't be allowed on the air at all. Wow.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Women hating? Really?? I don't understand the way people think sometimes.