Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Random Thoughts 10/05/10

  • I had a good birthday yesterday, turning 34.  My darling wife and I ate at bd's Mongolian Barbeque (sic).  We had a very quiet afternoon, playing with the kids and watching movies.  It was a great day.
  • Famed actor and eccentric Tony Curtis passed away this last week… and was buried with some of his treasured possessions, including his iPhone.  What an odd bird he was – good taste in electronics – but odd.
  • A fire broke out and destroyed one of the only miniature shops in the world that does the work anticipated for the two Hobbit films that are trying to get off the ground.  These films will be big but they are struggling with every kind of difficulty a film can have: the director leaves, the rights are divided between two parties, the studio is going bankrupt, the unions are threatening to strike, etc.  Good grief!  Walking through Mordor would be easier.  The first Hobbit film is due the week before Christmas (2012), eleven years after the first Lord of the Rings Films.
  • Speaking of iPhones, I have to admit that I'm really liking my iPhone 4.  I thought it wasn't that big of a deal but every day I notice little things that I like better than my old 3GS, especially the front-facing camera and the higher resolution screen.  And the longer lasting battery.  And the flash.  And the gyroscopes.  And…
  • My little girl has more precious giggles than the other gigglers' giggles.
  • New Jersey governor Chris Christie is awesome.  Just saying.
  • Way to go Missouri.  The high school mascot of Sparta, Mo is… you guessed it, the Trojans.  The one mascot a town named Sparta should NOT have is the one they do have.  What would have been wrong with Spartans?  Or the sparrows, or the fighting purple people eaters?  But you know that some school superintendent, who probably has a PhD in education, looked at that and said, "The Sparta Trojans… sure!"  Morons.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!!