Friday, March 04, 2005

There Goes the Neighborhood

The white supremacist, neo-Nazi, skinhead group, Aryan Nations, formerly of Pennsylvania, has made KCK it's new home. An article in the Kansas City Star is here. After looking at their website I feel like I need my brain sanitized. It's just anti-Jewish hate mongering, and they're proud of it! They're equal opportunity haters--they'll hate anyone who's not like them.

With Fred Phelps (the Topeka anti-gay bigot) and the KKK (supposedly still active in rural Missouri if you ask around) this open bigotry is becoming all too common. I thought Christians were supposed to be known for their love. I thought Jesus and his disciples were Jewish. I thought we were supposed to love our enemy. Have I misunderstood the Bible?

The mental gymnastics these bigots have to perform to twist scripture and history into a convoluted justification for their hatred is dumbfounding. It's so warped, I hesitate to recommend even a casual glance at their propaganda, it's that messed up.

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