Friday, June 03, 2005

Happy Donut Day

Hmmm… donuts…

We took the kids to Krispy Kreme this morning. They were giving away free donuts hot off the conveyer belt because it was National Donut Day.

It's just wrong how good a piping-hot glazed donut is as it melts in your mouth. Each bite takes weeks off your life and yet no one complains! Surely only drug dealers and cigarette companies could be more conscious of how they're shamelessly killing off their customers.

And, oh yeah, I figured out what Krispy Kreme's secret ingredient is. After searching the internet and finding suggestions such as vanilla, potato flour, and cream-of-mushroom soup, I discovered that the secret ingredient is…

Are you ready?

…crack cocaine. I'm sure of it! My cousin's roommate's sister's best friend knows a guy who used to work next door to a Krispy Kreme and he says it's true. Besides, it just makes sense.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! It's gotta be!

I'll bet it's in a lot of other things we didn't know about, too!!!

by the way . . . cream of mushroom soup ??? really ??? Sounds like a strange ingredient for donuts!

Thumper said...

Another possibility for secret ingredient is mayonnaise. Everyone keeps saying it's true.