Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Camp Report

We had a good church camp board meeting last night. We elected new board members and officers and I'm now the board chairman. As such, I want to tell you what we're working on.

We have some specific short term goals:
  • Define the roles of and write guidelines for the people who work at camp. We want to prevent conflict and clarify responsibilities for everyone involved.
  • Determine the requirements and qualifications for the future job of Camp Manager. This will be a paid position and a liaison between the board and the rest of the camp.
  • Clarify the role of Teen Staff members and provide a method to screen candidates.
  • Write a comprehensive Dean's Handbook.
  • Devise a plan to improve campus appearance, both short term and long term.
  • Finish work on the theme for 2006 and make proposals for 2007.

We also want to make strides in other areas of accountability and communication:
  • We need to mend fences with individuals and churches that no longer participate in the camp and recruit new camp members.
  • The ministers need to find a way to provide a doctrinal foundation for the teaching ministry of the camp, so that we are a consistant and sound source of Bible teaching.

Our next board meeting is October 17.

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