Friday, November 03, 2006

A Doctor a Day Keeps the Apples Away

UPDATE (4pm): I passed the stress test with flying colors. There's nothing wrong with my heart… that is if you don't count that it's dark and devious with a cruel sense of humor. While I was on the treadmill I let out a gasp and grabbed my left arm, you know, just to be funny. Both the nurse and the nurse practitioner nearly jumped out of their skin. They didn't find it nearly as amusing as I did.


I've been to more doctor's appointments in the last ten days than in the last ten years. I have a stress test this afternoon and my sleep study is next Monday night. I've been poked and prodded, had labs drawn, and been worked over by the chiropractor several times now.

Since we've been going to the YMCA every day now, I really don't have a lot of worries about this stress test (like falling off the treadmill – I've got that down now). And if I continue to lose weight, the sleep apnea and cholesterol should get addressed.

Now if I can just remember to eat those apples. Shannon bought me a whole bag of apples – my favorites, Granny Smith apples – which I have been too busy to remember to eat. I really do like them, but I'm always running off to the next appointment.

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