Monday, November 06, 2006

Still Sick

I've been sick all day, not eating and vomiting (maybe I have an eating disorder? At least I'm losing weight!). So I'll have to pass on blogging much today, which is a shame because I had all sorts of good stuff to bring up right before going to the poles on Tuesday. Stem cells, abortion, corruption, taxes, etc… but here's a snippet:

VOTE! Don't skip this election!

But if you're one of the kool-aid drinkers who intend to punish the President because of your conspiracy theories, pessimism, and indifference, remember, it'll be the American soldier and the good Iraqis who'll suffer in the next two years.

The President has always said this would be hard, but it's the only long term solution that has been offered to the culture of terror in the Middle East. The Democrats, however, are content with us losing this fight. It helps them politically and they think that we can take it. They don't see the connection between Iraq Theater and the Greater War on Terror because they're not thinking long term. Ask yourself if you want to lose this war.

Don't vote ignorant of history. Don't leave our troops under-funded, our commander-in-chief impeached over unpopularity, and innocent Iraqis to the hands of butchers and extremists. Vote to do the right thing.


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