Monday, November 26, 2007

New Tree-ditions

We put up our Christmas tree last Friday night. For the first time, the boys all helped assemble and decorate the tree.

Last year I wrote:

The way I grew up we decorated the tree and everything for Christmas on the 23rd or 24th of December. When did we take it all down? Well, that's what Valentine's Day is for! But since I have a family of my own now, we've been decorating around the first of the month and we take it down the day after Christmas if possible.

Now that the boys are helping, it makes the experience just that much sweeter. We used to decorate at night after they went to bed, but this year all four boys were in the thick of it, preparing branches, unpacking Christmas lights, etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your memories are just plain wrong! We never put the tree up that late! Now taking it down is another thing and I admit it might have been February a time or two!

By the way, it is Nov 26th and my tree is up!!! Just like it used to be!
