Friday, September 23, 2005

The Point of Playing

Here's a note that I posted on my fantasy football website in response to some very pointed "smack" talk among the owners.

A Note from "Dr. Phil"

Q. Why do you think you started playing Fantasy Football?

A. You like football and (for guys especially) you like to obsess over something.

Q. How can fantasy football help you, i.e. why keep playing?

A. This league is about learning to play well with others. You will eventually learn to value the new friendships over the win/loss records and the new-found ability to get along in a competitive situation over the actual football games.

It's a means to an end: If you think the end is anything to do with football or winning, you'll end up alone and miserable.

If you realize the end has nothing to do with football, you'll find yourself in a room full of people laughing, watching the game together years from now.

It's just a game. Lose one once in awhile. Be happy for someone else. It's good for you.


By the way, I'm 2-0.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I notice that you're awfully proud of your comments, but you didn't bother to copy mine! (I guess this is YOUR blog...) Anyway, here's what the reigning champ had to say in response to some of the difficult-to-read messages:

"I tinhk eyvenroe sohuld tkae a sleplnig and garmamr casls bferoe tehy are aweolld to cerate msegseas on tihs wesbtie! So far, tihs psot has been eieasr to raed tahn smoe of yuor samck-tlaknig!! Ovusbiloy, olny us ecudaetd popele konw how to sepll... AND win. If you're ncie to me, mybae I'll let you hlod our torphy for a muntie... It may be the olny tmie you see it up cosle!!"