Friday, September 23, 2005

Rant Back Atcha

Here's my response to a blogger that wrote a rant on his site about religion. He's basically against it. His argument in a nutshell was, "Wake the %$!# Up!" Then another person, Jenn, wrote that all religions have the same goal/outcome.

My response:

Thanks for all the stereotyping and ad hominem attacks guys.

Some of us "born agains" are nice people with nice families who make a real difference in the lives of hurting people around us. Some of us have college degrees and can think for ourselves quite nicely thank you. Enough anyway to finally see past our own bitterness and sort out our youthful angst as thinking adults.

Most of the Christians I know are nothing like what you described. They are, on the whole, the most honest and trustworthy people I've ever known. No hidden agendas. No "blind" faith. In fact most Christians I know are believers in spite of what their hippy parents and atheist teachers taught them.

Instead, they recognize that reality is absolute and relativism is self-refuting. The notion of everyone's own faith being "ok" is just political correctness. You're just afraid to say someone is flat out wrong. And Jenn, how can mutually exclusive philosophical positions both be true in any real sense? In what universe does "whatever you want to believe" just come true like a fairy tale? We would each have to be gods for that to even start to work. But that doesn't work in and of itself; it's just an opiate for those who don't want to do the hard work of finding real answers to tough questions.

You'll probably just blow me off so I'll quit now. But I'd bet if you met some actual Christ-followers instead of just the usual religious folks, you'd reconsider a lot of the things you've said.


Edelman said...

Well, that's not exactly my argument. Why don't you provide a link on your post to my blog so that people can read both sides of the story? I think that would be fair...

In case you won't, and you don't delete my post, here's the link to my blog: Edelman, look for the post entitled "My One Post On Religion."

Thumper said...

Objectional Content Warning: The site linked to above contains obscene language and topics that some may find offensive.

Edelman said...

yes, it has some obscene language. i'm a young adult, i'm guilty of swearing. sorry. objectional content? i mean, my blog has an expand and contract feature. you don't have to read what you don't want. had i known i was going to be entering in a civil debate, i probably would have gone about wording this post a bit differently. so, sorry about the swearing. while you're probably at church this morning, i'll be running my tuchas off at practice, thinking about how to respond.