Wednesday, August 09, 2006

18,000 Hits

18,000 hits – thanks for reading!

I've had an uptick of hits this last month. Two thousand hits in the last thirty days and half of that in the last 10 days. That's about two or three times the usual traffic I get. Cool.

I try to keep lots of information coming as quickly as I can. I try to blog in the evenings and fine tune them off and on during the day when I get a moment or need a break or something. I hope you enjoy.

Here's an interesting email I received about my blog:

I noticed on your blog that your goal is to share information with friends and family. It seems self evident that blogs are created for reasons like that but it got me to thinking about the folks in your church family that might not read your blog.

Have you ever considered printing up your blog each week so the “not so computer enabled” can get the same information? A small test would determine if this would meet a need in our family. Just print ten copies and put five at each door for a couple of weeks. If they don’t disappear then you’ll know that folks are not interested in receiving that kind of information that way.

You could even “blog” this thought and get feedback from your regular readers before you try it.

Just a wild idea for you to think about…

Not a bad idea… but my response was as follows:

I'm not sure about that, though I've considered it in the past. I occasionally put my address up in public, but I'm concerned that the blog is too diverse to be targeted at church members – I voice a lot of political and sports opinions there that I don't voice in church and probably shouldn't (too off topic). I certainly wouldn't distribute the content of my blog without the Elders being okay with it first.

That said, I wish people would read my blog, on their own time and of their own volition. I feel that I'm really transparent there and one can really get to know where I'm coming from and what my family is like.

I'll have to blog about this…

And so I did. What do you think? Should blogs only stay on the internet or should they branch out into hardcopies?


Anonymous said...

Leave it on the net. It seems a little self-promoting to print copies and put them at the entrance of the church. If someone asks for it that can't get online, then print it for them. We're there to promote God, not Jared. Some people might perceive it as Jared promoting himself at church if you start putting the blog at the entrances. Especially being in the position that he is, he almost has to go out of his way to make sure people understand he is not higher than the rest of us. It's Christ's church, not Jared's.

Anonymous said...

I agree with dusty gym.