Monday, January 29, 2007

Whistler's Mother

Brennan is learning to whistle.

A month ago I explained to him how to whistle and, in the convening weeks, he's been practicing. Now that he's able to produce a note (and usually just one fleeting chirp at a time), Brennan walks around the house with his hands in his pockets, casually tweeting away.

It was adorable… for the first thousand chirps. Now Shannon and I are hollering, "Brennan! Enough with the whistling!"

I also worked with him on enunciating his "t-h" sounds (instead of making a lazy "f" or "d" sound). So when his mom gets on to him for whistling, Brennan, hands still in pocket, switches to "thuh, thuh, thuh, thuh, thuh…"


Anonymous said...

I swear the child doesn't recognize the value of a quiet moment. It's almost like silence makes him uncomfortable. What a weirdo. I can't imagine where he gets it.

Anonymous said...

Uh, I think I can. :0) Shannon's mom