Popular Mechanics compared Macs against PCs, both desktop and laptop models, to see which was better. Do you want to guess which type won? Not only were the Macs more highly rated but the desktop model was cheaper than the competition. It's a good article with plenty of data and insight. Make sure you check it out.
Macs are great computers with inspirational designs. I heard J.J. Abrams (of Alias and Lost fame) say recently that he felt obligated to write something worthy of the computer he was typing on. Okay, that may be a bit obsessive, but I kind of know what he means. My Macs and iPods feel creative.
You can also see the latest Mac commercials here.
Mac users are the annoying mom at the birthday party who won't stop talking about how smart their kid is.
So does that make PC users the moms of stupid kids?
I'll take a silent mom of a stupid kid over an uber-caffeinated, yappy, "Timmy said the darn'dst thing today...what's that? yes...it's Versace...to die for isn't it? wait...what were we talking about? GIRL! You've lost so much weight! My nutritionist says I need more fiber (winks) - you know what that'll do ya. Is this water filtered? My nutritionist says tap water has lead in it. C'n you believe that? Hey Timmy...come over and show us that thing you can do. Come on...ahhh. My nutritionist says you can tell a kid is smart if he's shy. He's a shy one alright - like his father. He's got his mothers eyes though. So, tell me about your kids. Wait - my nutritionist is texting me. LOL. Hilarious. Anyway...what were you saying? " Mom any day of the week.
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