Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Why I Resigned

I've been asked a lot of questions about why I resigned last night as chairman of the board at our church camp.

Please understand that I'm still involved there, preaching, dean-ing, I'm even still on the board. I'm NOT quitting the camp. I believe in this ministry and fully support it. But I did have my reasons that I've been mulling over the last few weeks:

1. My Priorities demanded it: My family and my home church are both more important and require my full attention right now. The chairman's job, the way I was doing it, was taking emotional energy and time I couldn't spare.

2. The Principle of the matter: If things don't work, if they're flat out broken, someone has to take responsibility for it. I was the chairman of the board for two and a half years; the buck stops here.

3. In Protest: I strongly disagreed with the direction we decided to go. I understand it. I'll support it going forward. But my opposition to the matter at hand, though newly developed, was strongly held. My conscience wouldn't allow me to sign off on it.

There you go; alliterated and everything. I'll be working at camp all summer and I'll be at the next board meeting with enthusiasm and eagerness.

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