Friday, June 26, 2009

Distracted to Death

While Americans are mourning the loss of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson, the House is passing some of the largest taxes in American History.

When candidate Obama promised the 95% of Americans wouldn't see higher taxes, he didn't mention that you'd pay thousands of dollars in higher energy bills when he taxed the snot out of your electric company. All of this in the name of global warming climate change, which is little more than a scare tactic to push big-government, anti-business socialism.

And our idiot representatives voted (again!) without reading the bill! There should be a law against voting yes on something you haven't even read.

Collectively, we're all a bunch of brainless children who want the government to take care of us, no matter what the cost. We'll get exactly what we deserve, i.e. unaffordable, unsustainable European-style socialism.

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