Monday, March 24, 2014

Random Thoughts 3/24/13

  • Well, my wife has me back until August/September (when football starts again).  Five months.  That's all she gets.
  • Roy Williams got old-looking!  For the record he's only 63.
  • Wichita State could have won that game but they didn't.  That said, no matter how great they are, they were disadvantaged by not having played against top competition all year.  The Shockers prove that a team like this really can compete and even win it all potentially but I'm convinced that they would be better off to have lost a few games but gained the experience by playing a few more Kentucky-like teams during the season.
  • It's too bad about Kansas falling apart at the end of the season.  It's worse that these young one-and-done players are going to leave the college game after less than six months.  
  • I obviously know less about brackets than I do fantasy football.  But…
  • Jimmy Fallon makes me smile:

1 comment:

JenHaggerty said...

Billy Joel also is old looking, but that was awesome. :)