Friday, December 09, 2005

Reflections on Narnia, Part 3

Part 1, click here
Part 2, click here

We went to see The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe at the theater this afternoon. It was really good but that's to be expected considering the source material. We saw it at the super, huge, giant screen at the new Legends theater down the road from us; that's a really big screen!

I enjoyed the movie but there were some minor issues. There were a few things that were dear to me in the book that were re-interpreted for the movie. It wasn't done poorly – just different than how my mind's eye pictured it. I don't think the director and I were on the same page when it came to what parts were meaningful and what parts were less so. That's kind of disappointing because Peter Jackson, the director of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, was on exactly the same page as me. Watching the Lord of the Rings was watching my imagination come to life. Watching the Wardrobe, I kept saying, "Oh, that's not how I pictured it… but ok."

This minor nitpick aside, the movie was very good. Watch the movie, read the book. But don't necessarily let younger grade school kids do either quite yet. It's a little scary and intense in parts.

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