But when I got there I was delighted to see how well things were going, especially for Jay-rod. The first thing I heard was how great his sermon was (from earlier that day) and he had really connected with both the students and the adults. He was playing games and laughing with the kids and you could see how much everyone appreciated him. He was thriving and I couldn't have been happier for him.
I know how difficult ministry can be for a young man: People place little confidence in you because of your age and seem quick to level criticism for almost anything. Meanwhile you're pulled in twenty different directions, expected to meet competing needs and mutually exclusive goals because pretty much everyone you know is your "boss" in a sense. Add to this mix a few of your own mistakes and miscues and you have a recipe for discouragement.
But yesterday I think Jay-rod was having a good day. I was so happy for him I could have hugged him… but we're guys, so I played it off and slugged him in the shoulder instead. It's all good.
I doubt you guys hear it nearly enough, but your congregation appreciates the both of you guys very much. The sacrifices you ministers make on a daily basis is nothing short of admirable. I pray that God blesses you and your families each and every day. You are both fine examples of how the rest of us young men should strive to be. Keep up the good work and thank you for the sacrifices you make for the service of our God and the growth of his kingdom. Your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. Thank you.
Thank you Jared for writing such an encouraging note for my Jarod. I wish that people could see him as I see him and see his love for the church and especially the youth. I am so thankful for both of you!
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