Monday, September 10, 2007

General Petraeus's Report

Michael Yon says, "The outcome of the war in Iraq, and to some extent the greater War on Terror, will largely depend upon our decisions today. The outcome is too important for quick words. Many will try to be the first to report on the report, and their reports likely will be the most unreliable."

Yon goes on to say that the perfect people to have comment on the Petraeus Report are infantry battalion commanders. I agree, but I'm biased. Here near Ft. Leavenworth, Lieutenant Colonels grow on trees so we're a bit partial to guys at that level.

I was able to listen to most of the General's testimony today and I've looked at the charts and accompanying graphs and charts. There's nothing in his testimony that surprised me. I also heard the sniping and grandstanding from our elected leaders. I can't think of time I've been more disappointed.

Meanwhile, those who want America to lose are running a despicable ad in the New York Times calling General Petraeus "General Betray Us." Hmm… classy. You're questioning his integrity. Nice. How do these people sleep at night?

Tonight at 8pm Central on Fox News Brit Hume will interview General Petraeus, don't miss it.

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