Thursday, September 27, 2007

Puppy Love

We took our beagle, Sophie, to the vet yesterday to be fixed (broken?) and we had to leave her overnight. It nearly killed us.

How can you possibly miss a pet so much? It was painful for that silly dog to be absent all day. I even missed taking her out to pee in the middle of the night!

Shannon said it best on her myspace page:

"We have all missed her something awful. …not to mention her beautiful brown puppy dog eyes. I do believe I'm smitten. I think it was good to miss her. I realized how much she adds to our lives. Not having her here was like missing a family member"

UPDATE: Sophie is home and doing well, mostly resting. The vet said that his old partner was an even bigger K-State nut than the new one and he used to bandage the wounds of pets belonging to KU fans in purple K-State bandages just to be mischievous. We'll have to watch out for that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sophie sure would be sassy in PURPLE!!!!!! GO CATS! ~Abie