Monday, June 23, 2008

61,000 Hits

We passed 61,000 hits this morning. Thank you so much for reading. But why do you read?

The poll that I posted, asking why folks read my blog, has closed. I received 25 responses, 80% from people who read because they're family or friends. About half read because they like what they find here (which could mean almost anything) but one person read my blog because they don't like it (and I know who they are).

I didn't learn a whole lot from the poll; it's just about exactly what I anticipated. But I'm glad that family and friends and few other interested parties can drop by and check out what's going on in my life. Most important to me however is that I record my thoughts for my four boys. I want them to have access to a record of what we did and how I felt while they were growing up.

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