Monday, June 30, 2008

An Uneasy Feeling

You know that sick feeling you got just before an important exam? I get that every Sunday before I preach.

Each Saturday evening, I start getting queasy. That's why I usually shy away from doing anything socially on Saturday nights – it's hard for me to enjoy an activity when I feel so distracted. I can barely sleep and wake up about ten shades of green. I don't completely recover until I've had lunch Sunday afternoon (during football season, the ill feeling continues right through the Chiefs' game and then some).

This last Sunday I was particularly pekid. I commented to a friend that someday, maybe, I won't feel ill every single time I have to preach. That might mean the Lord's coming back or taking me home, but who knows.

I only hope folks at church don't think I'm too distant or rude or anything. I'm just trying not to throw up on them.

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