Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Lord of the Ringtones

I've done it! I have figured out a work-around for my contacts and ringtones on my new cell phone (without paying through the nose to Verizon). Thanks to my handy-dandy laptop, I was able to push the data, in one form or another, to my phone via wireless connection. Then I could jump through a few hoops on the phone itself and, voilá, I have my contacts and ringtones.

Rich Mullins' Creed plays when I receive a call:

And I believe what I believe
Is what makes me what I am.
I did not make it, no it is making me;
It is the very truth of God and not
The invention of any man.

I'm almost surprised that it was so easy in the end; Verizon goes to great lengths to make you pay for everything, every time. I just didn't want to pay for information and music that I already owned. I'm not looking to steal anything from the phone company but I don't want to be held over a barrel when I can do the work myself.

But Verizon's merciless gouging only encourages hacking. And most people, once they figure out how to go through the back door, will steal all kinds of copyrighted material and services.

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