Thursday, July 28, 2005

Random Thoughts 7/28/05

  • I heard that the Slurpee is 40 years old this summer. Hmmm…
  • I've had a few days off this week. While enjoying every minute with my family, I'm feeling like a total slacker. Doing ministry is what I'm about. It's hard to take time off from that.
  • My brother dropped off his Playstation 2 at my place but I'm getting pickier about my games in my old age--I want something mentally challenging, realistic, complex, with a steep learning curve. Everything else, well… I just don't feel like I have time for it.
  • By the way, I'd read that the average age of video gamers is now… 30 years old. That's just old enough to have spent quality time on the Atari 2600 before moving on to the Nintendo. The rest was history. Also 19% of Americans over 50 and 75% of the heads of households play video games. And 43% are female.
  • Set phasers to stun! The AESA radars in the new Air Force planes (like the FA-22 shown below) can send out a high-powered microwave beam that can fry electronics from miles away. Enemy radars, missiles, and computers will simply begin sizzling and stop working. And this can be done up to 100 miles away! Is there a point where the bad guys simply stop trying to defend themselves?

  • Disturbing fact of the week: I found out that my family can earn another $10,000 a year and still qualify for welfare. Not bad for a college graduate, huh? Well, anyone who says I'm in the ministry for the money can go buzz off. That being said, Christian churches are notorious for having low paid ministers. Other denominations do much better.
  • My sister received her new iMac G5 computer today. She's going to leave it in the box for a few days until she gets around to it. AHHHH!!! How could we both be from the same family?!

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