Friday, August 05, 2005

Get That Kid to a Zoo

We've been planning to go the zoo in Omaha for awhile, basically ever since we got home from our last visit there two years ago. But poor Tanner, now three and a half, doesn't remember it. Instead, he knows our Omaha-zoo-substitute: Cabela's.

Cabela's is a store where you buy hunting stuff and we have one near our home. So we take the kids to see the hundreds of stuffed and mounted deer and assorted big game. We joke that it's "the poor man's zoo where the animals don't move."

Back to Tanner…

We were explaining that we were going to go to the real zoo in Omaha soon and he looks at Shannon and asks, "Does da animals move dere?"

"Yes Tanner, they have real live moving animals."

Then he asks me, "Are dey smashed?"

"Smashed?! Uh, no honey, they're just fine."

We need to get this get kid to a zoo, stat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Zoo, hmmm. You know I sure would enjoy a zoo that isn't the size of Rhode Island. Yeah I prefer the ones that move too, they're much more interesting :). In case you check/write in this tonight - we made it back :). Indiana was a blast and my mom was completely surprised and excited. I wish she would just move here. We'll see you in the morning.