Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Here's another article about a Windows user who switched to a Mac.

There seems to be two sides to this argument: one group has used both Windows and Macintosh computers, hates Windows, and loves the well designed Mac. It's easy to learn, easy to use, and an all-around enjoyable experience. I remember the first time I plugged in a digital camera and the Mac immediately opened the right program itself and asked me if it could download my pictures for me now. "Uh… yeah! That's awesome!"

The other side has never really used a Mac on a daily basis (especially not in the last five years) and doesn't want to repeat the difficult learning process they experienced learning Windows. Computing is not fun for them, it's difficult, and the last thing they want to do is start over.

Almost everyone I know that has used both, prefers Macintosh. Hands down. Almost everyone I know that uses Windows didn't really have a choice about it initially. They found themselves already on that road and just went with it. That's too bad.

I use my mac for hours everyday. Between my home computer and my laptop at work, I have maybe one crash per year. Right now I would consider it punishment to have to use a Windows computer all day every day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silly, Jared...

You're forgetting about the third group of people:

The computer techie nerds that rely on people to use Windows so that they can have a job! Just think of all the people, an entire industry of geeks, whose careers depend on us using unstable and hard-to-understand computer systems just so they can justify years of studying PCs! Throngs of people would be out of work if everybody just switched to the stable and easy-to-use Apple.

I can say this with complete confidence-- I REGRETFULLY live in a home with 2 Windows machines that are overpriced ($3200 and $2900) and crash frequently!! I am currently dealing with ANOTHER virus/spyware/trojan that found it's way onto my PC and will result in me having to spend between $130-$300 to fix, unless I desire to leave it alone and compromise my privacy by potentially having someone see my personal banking info whenever I log onto the bank's website. So until I can afford to have it fixed, I have to be very careful of what I view or send out over the internet (i.e.- viewing bank info, paying bills online, making purchases, etc.) for fear of having my info stolen and sold to identity theives!!!

Moral of the story: those of you who use Macs, be thankful. I have spent several hundred dollars and way too much time on my PCs dealing with viruses or trying to prevent them. ATLEAST once a week, I run two independant spyware program scans, one Symantec Anti-virus (Corporate Edition) scan, and a complete defragmentation of my hard drive... and it still has issues!!! If you only use Macs, all of that probably went over your head...

I envy you.