Tuesday, March 06, 2007

History Test, part 2

Here's a blog that will tell you more about the History of Abraham Lincoln's party than you ever knew. It's a lot of the same information (and more) that I used in the post, History Test.

Did you know:

  • that the infamous Dred Scott decision fell along party lines and that Dred Scott's lawyer was one of the founders of the GOP?
  • Republicans appointed the first woman ambassador to a major country (Italy)?
  • that Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, hero of Gettysburg, was an ardent Republican?
  • the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (portrayed in the movie Glory) was raised by a Republican governor?
  • the first Hispanic to serve in the cabinet was Republican?
  • that FDR's notorious executive order 9066, putting Japanese Americans in internment camps wasn't formally rescinded until President Ford in 1976?
  • Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass were Republicans?
  • at one time the Confederacy was considered a Democratic Party uprising against the government and the Ku Klux Klan was considered the terrorist wing of the Democratic Party?
  • in 1922, a Democrat filibuster in the Senate blocked passage of a Republican bill to make lynching a federal crime? The Democrats formally apologized in 2005.

Finally, end my rant against the Democrats, let me quote Oliver Morton, governor of Indiana during the Civil War and later US Senator.

“Every one who shoots down negroes in the streets, burns negro school-houses and meeting-houses, and murders women and children by the light of their own flaming dwellings, calls himself a Democrat. Every New York rioter in 1863 who burned up little children in colored asylums, who robbed, ravished, and murdered indiscriminately in the midst of a blazing city for three days and nights, calls himself a Democrat. In short, the Democratic Party may be described as a common sewer and loathsome receptacle into which is emptied every element of treason, North and South, every element of inhumanity and barbarism which has dishonored the age."


This post is dedicated to John "Birch" Elliot.

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