Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Planting a Header

I finally procrastinated long enough for the technology to surpass my ignorance.

I added a picture to my header that I was working on last year. But my HTML knowledge (actually the CSS stuff) wasn't sufficient to make it work correctly. So this week when blogger finally made adding a picture to your header as simple as dragging and dropping… I was there!

I just had to resize, though I'm not satisfied with the placement, and there you go! As I learn more (by which I mean as Blogger becomes more powerful) I'll tweak it here and there.


Thumper said...

I figured out the placement! Yatta!

Rebecca said...

Nice work, I'm assuming you messed with your HTML to get the pic where you wanted it? If so, any tips that you can easily explain. I would like to do something similar to my blog. With a little messing with the HTML I got some changes done, but I couldn't get what I wanted after changing things in the header section. Let me know, have a great day man...Sean

Thumper said...

The picture didn't sit where I wanted it to because of a header in the HTML code (under the label "header and site name") that had "padding." Once I started fiddling with the number of pixels of padding, the margins of the picture were adjusted. I also went back and grabbed a different resolution of my picture that I then measured and cropped to be the correct width.

Rebecca said...

Thanks, we'll give it a whirl...Sean