Saturday, June 21, 2008

Of Woodchips and Hamster Wheels

When I came home from camp, Shannon and Tanner (6) met me at the door. "Come here! Hurry! We want to show you something!" We go upstairs to the boys' room and, lo and behold, the fish tank from the garage has been set up as a home for two fat little hamsters.

The really fat one is named Bella. The less fat one is named Zelda. There's both white with black spots, about half the size you'd expect a hamster to be and adorable.

These are the first pets that I've not named in Greek. They're also the first pets that truly belong to the boys.

For those of you keeping score at home, that's two adults, four little boys, two dogs, two hamsters, and one intrigued kitty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are your hamsters both male or both female? If you have one of will be adding to your score shortly. haha! As kids we had 3 hamsters, one male and two female. In short order we had about 20 hamsters. I wish you luck if that occurs. =)
-Justin D.