Monday, August 04, 2008


This man-made global warming thing is becoming epic.

It seems that almost everybody, including some fairly sophisticated and intelligent people I know, has bought into this con, hook, line and sinker. But I think this is going to go down in history alongside ignorant concepts like the flat earth and bloodletting.

So let me be crystal clear on my position while I'm still ahead of the curve:

1. The Earth has always warmed and cooled. History proves that it has been warmer and cooler through the centuries than it is today. I expect that in the decades to come we'll see normal cycles of extreme heat and cold.

2. The Earth has heated up about a degree in the last thirty years, but it's not as bad as the 1930's and it hasn't gotten any warmer in the last 10 years. That's right, all this fuss, and nothing has changed in a decade. Anecdotally, the last three summers here in Kansas have been downright mild and wet compared to preceding years.

3. Whatever warming has occurred has little or nothing to do with human activity. People just don't appreciate the scale here: our worst and heaviest pollution can't contribute a single percent to the gasses that actually govern the temperature here on earth. We couldn't cause the planet to heat up or cool off a significant amount if we tried.

4. Global warming politics is the new communism. Just ask a former communist, like Vaclav Klaus, the President of the Czech Republic: if you want to control people's lives and you hate capitalism, global warming is for you!

5. Global warming is becoming a religious dogma. A good person is being defined today as one who doesn't "sin" against the environment. And the sins cover every last detail of your personal life.

Take the Climate Change Quiz here to test your knowledge of the facts.

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