Monday, August 04, 2008

Why My Mac Never Gets Sick

Why don't Macs get viruses anymore?

Here's a neat little article that lists 7 reasons (besides low market share) why Macintosh computers don't get computer viruses.

(A lot of credit goes to UNIX)


Anonymous said...

If Macs were superior machines, the market would adjust just like everything else.

Dustin said...

If BMW's were superior machines, the market would adjust just like everything else.

Btw, the market IS adjusting, but it won't happen overnight. Look at the numbers... After all, you are a numbers guy, right?

Anonymous said...

Dustin - perhaps you've noticed that BMWs are luxury cars whereas Macs and PCs are comparably priced.

The stat you shared (32% increase) doesn't really mean anything. Apple had low sales, so an increase of 248 units is a 33% increase whereas if Dell had that same # of increase, it would only be a 6% increase in sales.

When you have unimpressive sales to start with, higher sales generate a larger % increase than those with higher market share.

Apple's market share only
increased 1.4%...barely a blip on the radar.

Congrats on passing Toshiba though. :/

Dustin said...

Hey, you gotta start somewhere, and the only fair way to compare is to look at year-over-year growth. Over the last couple years they've been consistently out-growing every one else, qtr after qtr. Unless there's some unforeseen set back, it's just a matter of time before the numbers catch up. Especially with the intro of the iPhone, it's only going to get better.

Anonymous said...

Over the last couple years they've been consistently out-growing every one else, qtr after qtr.

They didn't even beat Dell last quarter in % increase or total units increase. said...

I need a mulligan on that last one. said...

Speaking of the iPhone...