Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Random Thoughts 12/31/08

  • Check out who stole the website from the leftist hippies. It's hard not to laugh at that one.
  • Here's that video about Penn Jillette that I used in church Sunday morning.
  • There's a real increase in the number of open global warming doubters, who are usually not received well by the dogmatists. It'll be interesting to see if these brave souls in the mainstream media get strung up for their heresy.
  • I guess this means the war is over… [thanks]
  • Did you know the last company to make VHS tapes has ceased production. Hmmm… That said, did you notice the (lack of) quality the last time you actually watched a VHS tape? It's scary compared to a digital format.
  • The Israeli Army has its own Youtube channel. Seriously.
  • Victor Davis Hanson talks change and Obama.
  • The crazy Russian prof who has been predicting the break up of the United States is still at it. He says we'll have a civil war next year and the U.S. will break into six pieces in 2010, with Alaska going back to the Russians. Sure. Whatever. He says his info comes from classified data (he's a former KGB analyst). I think this shows just how poorly the Russians have understood the U.S. and Western Civilization in general. They don't get democracy, our Constitution, capitalism and the Protestant work ethic, American liberalism (the good kind) or anything about what makes us us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We've been systematically forced to rid ourselves of video tapes. Kaitlyn likes to pull out just enough tape to turn one into a purse. A few more handbags and we may as well toss the old vcr!