Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Random Thoughts 5/11/10

  • Best computer rumor I've heard all week: Apple's MobileMe service, which syncs your data between devices and provides online storage for $99 annually, could become a FREE service. I'd be all over that.
  • How in the world does my little girl (14 months old) know to play with hairbrushes, lipstick, and nail polish? We didn't (directly) teach her that. The boys at that age would have used the hairbrush as a gun… but how did they know that? Could it be that boys and girls are different?
  • I really appreciate our church's youth minister, Chris C. He's hard working, creative, and has a heart of gold. God has blessed us by calling him here. But if I get five minutes alone with his cell phone, I'm changing all of his ring tones. Chris' philosophy is that ring tones are easier to hear if they're more annoying; I hear his phone in my sleep.
  • We are slowly shopping for bicycles to replace the ones stolen from my boys. It's going to run us something on the order of $350, and that's shopping online, at garage sales, and at Walmart. We have had some help with this (Thank You!!!) but it's still quite an undertaking.
  • I did finally get my money for my bicycle, a Schwinn Avenue hybrid. I'm getting pretty excited about the prospect of cycling, both to commute and to ride with my family.
  • We've started watching "American Pickers" and "Pawn Stars" on the History Channel. We're addicted.


Alisa said...

Pickers and Pawn stars are two of the few shows we {Eric and I] sit down and watch together. They are addicting.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you shouldn't be sleeping at the office, where you can hear Chris' ring tones!! : )

Just a suggestion!