Sunday, May 16, 2010

Random Thoughts 5/16/10

  • Al Gore doesn't know what he's talking about. Great article, by the way.
  • Two words about my cycling: saddle sore. But I'll keep riding and slowly increasing the amount that I ride. If the rain lets up, I hope to ride Monday morning.
  • Protecting our border doesn't seem quite so racist when a third of the citizens in Arizona and 52% of the Border Patrol officers are Hispanic. Besides that, calling someone racist today is about the biggest ad hominem attack possible: you don't have to answer their argument, you just attack their character.
  • I got to work yesterday and realized that I had a chunk of some sort of cereal bar or pop tart in my shoe. I didn't put it there.
  • Speaking of work, I took my four sons with me to the office and they played quietly together for hours. I got a lot of work and studying done while they played. What good boys.
  • Poor Shannon went to Worlds of Fun as a youth group sponsor… and it rained all day.

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