Thursday, September 23, 2010

10 Years at Wyandotte

I was really pleased to find a couple of cakes waiting for me at Bible study tonight. Thanks so much to Alisa Y. for being so thoughtful!

My 10th anniversary with Wyandotte County Christian Church was the first of this month (September) and it feels so good to know that folks remember the little things like that.

Actually, it's surprising that 10 years would register on the radar at Wyandotte — the previous minister was here 29 years!

I sincerely hope I'm here that long or longer. I'm blessed to be at a church like Wyandotte. I want my children to experience a healthy environment like this and connect it to what "church" is.

I don't want to be anywhere else.


Twisted said...

We are blessed by having you and your family at Wyandotte. We hope you stay, too.

Alisa said...

We are blessed to have you and your family at WCCC! We love you all!

I appreciate the thank you, but you should know that I was certainly not the only one involved in planning the cakes.