Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rearranging the Office

I rearranged my office last week, much to my satisfaction.  I've had the same basic arrangement for 10 years, even when we changed buildings.  My desk faced south, toward the door, with my books on the shelf behind me, with a another set of shelves on my left and chairs in front of my desk.  I've collected a second set of chairs over the years, thanks to the many Elders meetings and occasional group counseling sessions that are held in my office.  I've also inherited a couch recently, which is welcome addition, though it crowded my chairs a bit, leaving them lined up on my left.

But then I started moving things around.  I drew my office out to scale on graph paper, cut out representations of my furniture and had at it.

I tried moving my desk into every conceivable position, but generally speaking I hate the idea of someone entering the room from behind me.  Finally I settled on just rotating my desk 90º so that I face East.  Almost everything else stayed in the same place but it all fit much better.  The "flow" of the room is better, especially since the chairs aren't crowding the couch anymore.

Just a small change makes a big difference.  Everybody oohs and ahs, even though I've only rotated my desk.  Who knows, in another 10 years, I might move it all around again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Graph paper and cut outs of your furniture????? Oh Honey! You really are a nerd, aren't you?

love ya, Mom

By the way, I really do like it this way!!!