Friday, January 20, 2006

Random Thoughts 1/20/06

  • For those of you who read war correspondent Michael Yon, he has a new website with all of his dispatches and pictures. There's a better chance than not that we'll see actor Bruce Willis playing Lt. Colonel Eric Kurilla, whom Yon wrote about, in a movie sometime soon. You can read quite a bit about Kurilla and his strykers in Yon's dispatches from last year.
  • End of the Spear opens today. We watched the documentary Beyond the Gates of Splendor a few nights ago. Everyone ought to see this (we rented it at Blockbuster). My generation is surprisingly unaware of these brave missionaries and what transpired fifty years ago. I hope everyone can see it.
  • Speaking of movies, The Chronicles of Narnia has earned about $587 million worldwide. That's fantastic! It currently is the 30th highest grossing movie of all time, just behind The Passion of the Christ (27th all-time with $612 million worldwide).
  • There's about half a dozen videos that are floating around the internet showing what happens when you mix mentos and diet coke. Can you say "geyser?" Just do a google search for "diet coke mentos reaction" and you'll see several examples of this simple chemistry experiment.
  • I bet I know two or three people that will be cleaning diet coke off their ceilings within a week.
  • I'm finding that I don't have the enthusiasm to read that I had while reading the Chronicles of Narnia. I flew through all 7 books in a few weeks, but now it's hard to find something as satisfying and compelling as what CS Lewis wrote. I can't wait until the boys are old enough to read the series.
  • Isn't it interesting that Osama Bin Laden's new tape offers a truce? Why would he want a truce? It seems that Arabic for truce sounds a lot like "uncle."

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