Thursday, June 22, 2006


I wonder if all the people who have been saying "Bush lied" will politely apologize now that reports of WMDs in Iraq are getting declassified? I won't hold my breath.

It was a foolish position for them to take anyway: Saddam got rid of a weapon he wanted, needed and had already used, just because he wanted to play by the rules? No, he had them, he used them, he could make more at any time and he could give them away to be used by others. Saddam Hussein was a threat to regional and world security and had been for years. Any other take on the issue is just naive.

So why did it take over two years to declassify this information? Most likely because it will inciminate nations with whom we're trying to get along and play nice. Russia, France, and other nations probably helped Saddam make the stuff, store it, and possibly even hide it or remove it from the country. Some WMD's are like fine wine, you can identify the vintage right down to the year and laboratory. It might be in our best interests to not be so ham-fisted as to announce shocking and damning international news just to get some senator to shut up.

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