Monday, December 18, 2006

Falling Apart

I got down in the back yesterday. My lower back was sore Saturday and Sunday morning, but by Sunday evening I was nearly incapacitated. It still hurts like crazy if I do anything other than sitting or standing perfectly still.

Shannon thinks it's funny and compare the groans and whimpers I'm making with the bell on a pet collar. "Hey kids, where's Daddy?"


"There he is!"

And what upsets me most is that I just finished with several months at the chiropractor. I don't think I have the patience or the desire to the spend the money on more visits there. Grrrr…

And my car is matching me step for step! I've renamed my '94 Honda "Blinky." The left blinker won't turn off. It just clicks at me incessantly. It's probably only a fuse but I can't bend over right now to change it.

My car's ills are mostly my fault though. Do you remember the commercial where the guy welds shut the hood of his vehicle because it's so dependable? Well, I'm like that with my car… except I don't know how to weld… so I just pretend that I can't open it. Either way, I don't do much to it and it gets me around. That's the way a car shoud be… if it would just stop clicking!

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