Monday, December 04, 2006

The Oft Warmed Cockles of My Heart

My boys melt my heart on a regular basis.

I took today off and one of our family activities was going grocery shopping. Mom was at one end of the aisle handing individual cans of food to Brennan, Tanner, and Elijah, who would each run the length of the aisle to where I waited with the cart, and then back again for another trip, relay style. The three amigos also helped us carry the groceries into the house from the van. If you can picture two year old Elijah bear-hugging a gallon of milk, you get the picture.

We guided our gaggle through the store and attracted a lot of attention, as usual. Some people give a leary look when they see us coming, but most folks smile and seem to enjoy watching the boys interact with each other and with us. It helps that these boys are usually so helpful and respectful. They say please and thank you and yes sir and no ma'am. I treasure every minute I get to spend with them.

We had a special afternoon with Brennan; Mom taught his homeschool lesson and he and I played on the computer and watched dinosaur documentaries while the others napped. He's so intelligent and increasingly articulate. What a joy.

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